2013-04-18 Windy Apr19 by invisibules on 2013-04-19 at 00:00 Chapter: diary It was very windy today, and always in the wrong direction. ↓ TranscriptProbably a bit too windy for optimal cycling. └ Tags: diary, whimsy Related Comics ¬ 2017-11-19 Zombie sheep Diary – Admission 2012-12-10 Grand 2018-09-24 A young Itchy in… Bubbles 2014-08-10 Itchy and Knee in Blood Bath
Needs a pointy hat?
As long as you don’t see a girl in a checked dress sailing by, yelling “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!”
If the wind was always against you, you were going the wrong way.
yes – I was going up too much when I wanted to go back down again.