Polytunnels. One more thing to be scared of at the full moon. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the turnips.
We went to the exhibition of Gothic art at the British Library last weekend: “Terror and Wonder – the Gothic Imagination.” Highly recommended.
UPDATE: Potential solution to the poly tunnel menace:
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Polytunnels. And the full moon. And allotments. Mwahaha.
Crud… I live on a farm with one of these… and about a gross of gross chickens – they can’t hybridize themselves, can they?
Thought you’d enjoy the visual and the potential 🙂
thanks for the potential, hybrid poly-chicken-tunnels… thinks… hmmm
We have bears too! … Though that might infringe a bit on The Oatmeal’s bearodactyl. We wouldn’t want that.
How about this solution?

My own giant, poly tunnel eating chicken! i don’t know what to say… it’s beautiful!