2018-12-25 Hippo message Dec25 by invisibules on 2018-12-25 at 20:39 Chapter: diary ↓ TranscriptHippos spell out a message in semaphore └ Tags: animals, diary, hippo, whimsy, wordplay Related Comics ¬ 2017-08-01 It Ain’t Natural 2011-10-07 King of the Road Small Print 2014-08-10 Itchy and Knee in Blood Bath 2012-09-05 Fruit Salad Revolution
And the same to you!
- .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / --. .-. .---
Ah, the perils of Morse with an editor which converts double dash to a single long dash. You had me confused for slightly longer than normal.
Ah yes, so it does. Sorrreeee. Fixed now.
I don’t speak flags. Will there be a translation, or shall I be content with the delightful positions?
Janis, I do not know what will make you content, but all of us here at invisibules.org wish you a very happy 2019.
P.S. https://goo.gl/images/zcPbMV