And you thought sarcasm was the lowest form of wit? I bring you proof that spoonerism is lower.
↓ Transcript
3. 21/-
4. 21/-
5. 21/-
6. 21/- (guinea for the pie, mister?)
3. 21/-
4. 21/-
5. 21/-
6. 21/- (guinea for the pie, mister?)
And you thought sarcasm was the lowest form of wit? I bring you proof that spoonerism is lower.
Don’t get it- must be a cultural thing… Us ‘mericans…. tsk tsk
sorry about that — it is a Guy Fawkes Night special. In England in days of yore (when I was little, anyway) children would make stuffed representations of Guy Fawkes to ceremoniously and gruesomely burn on the bonfire, as part of the ancient vendetta. They’d display their creations in the street and attempt to obtain cash to buy fireworks, with the merry cry of “Penny for the guy?”
and a guinea is 21 shillings
Aaaah.. a schpoonerism 🙂 Got it.
Ohhhh. Another ignorant American here…