One’s very sorry for one’s mistake (which one made deliberately, mistakenly believing “ones” to be one of the exceptions, one having little in the way of memory), and one will try to remember one’s spelling in future.
My brain is moving at the rate of molasses (treacle) in winter…Finally processed “trolley” as a Brit term as in “supermarket trolley” and THEN I got it! (chuckle) I thought that was where skateboards originated…
One should be more careful with one’s grammar
One’s very sorry for one’s mistake (which one made deliberately, mistakenly believing “ones” to be one of the exceptions, one having little in the way of memory), and one will try to remember one’s spelling in future.
My brain is moving at the rate of molasses (treacle) in winter…Finally processed “trolley” as a Brit term as in “supermarket trolley” and THEN I got it! (chuckle) I thought that was where skateboards originated…