In the words sung by Perry Como and Jack
(Music by Sidney Lippman and lyrics by Fred Wise and Buddy Kaye, 1948)
A you’re adorable
In the words sung by Perry Como and Jack
(Music by Sidney Lippman and lyrics by Fred Wise and Buddy Kaye, 1948)
A you’re adorable
Small Print: this story is based on “The Wild Bride” which we went to see performed by Knee High at the Oxford Playhouse on Saturday night.
A poor farmer traded with the devil — a new suit of clothes in exchange for the contents of his apple tree. To his horror he discovered in the tree his beautiful but under-age daughter… which is when he called ‘You and Yours‘ for advice. We say, in contracts of this kind with diabolical forces there is no automatic 7 day cooling off period. So in future we recommend a more careful approach — remember the devil is in the details. Meanwhile Sue has been studying High Street Banking interest rates… Sue?
(If you can’t see the video, try clicking here)
In contrast to the previous animation, this one took us about three hours in preparation and production (and another hour faffing about with audio mixing and video codecs). The sweet potato remains were delicious, by the way.
Next time we have a long list of things we know not to do…
I think it is utterly reasonable to suppose that should flowers have the ability to communicate then they would surely talk about themselves.
Furthermore, there are those who say Hodgkinson himself is not above suspicion…
I’ve noticed that the merest mention of a banana in a comedy-safe situation is enough to provoke tears of almost hysterical laughter in any reader, owing to this fruit’s extreme comic potential index (CPI) of 10.0. Socks also score a perfect 10.0, but tennis racquets are only about 3.6 and electric sanding discs rate 0.4. Data supplied by the Invisibulian Institute of Statistical Information (who rate themselves at 0.0 CPI ± 0.2).
Spot the subtule irony in frame 3?