#148 Potion Apr15 by invisibules on 2010-04-15 at 00:00 Chapter: invisibules ↓ Transcript1. ADVERTISEMENT (let's see if this stuff works...) 2. --slurp 3. 4. 5. 6. BULE's brand / patent instant moustache grower / WORKS EVERY TIME └ Tags: Director's Cut, minimalism, wordplay Related Comics ¬ 2013-06-23 Giraffe Riders 2018-10-14 Count Antelope #59 Webman #129 Blah 2014-12-25 Yes, starling
But is this potion hirsute-a-bule for women and children?
but seriously, how would you know?
Of course it’s suitable – in Bulgaria it can easily become the market leader!