2013-03-19 The Real Newt-Rhino Mar24 by invisibules on 2013-03-24 at 00:00 Chapter: visibules It turns out that I made a mistake. The “Newt Rhino” I posted earlier may in fact have been a Rhino Newt. This one is the real Newt Rhino. I hope. I’m sorry for any confusion or inconvenience I may have caused. └ Tags: animals, colour, rhino, visibules, whimsy Related Comics ¬ 2011-09-13 Fowl 2015-12-11 A Trip to London Zoo #157 Coolness #128 Safari Small Print
Chimera? Lots of possibilities here.
I can’t understand why these beasties can pass through most solid matter without interacting and only occasionally detected in giant swimming pools.
very good!