Well, we’re hoping they’ll be back again this year. We can see the shoots and the flower buds: let’s hope they’re not discouraged by the continued cold weather and change their minds at the last minute.
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Yes, we come back here to the same spot every year...
It's so /unspoilt/ -- they don't speak a /word/ of daffodil.
It's so /unspoilt/ -- they don't speak a /word/ of daffodil.
We’re hoping the same for ours.
A few early shoots, no buds on the daffs yet. Crocus are poking up too, and a few early hyacinth are starting to flower. Freesia shrubs are explosions of yellow, and some early prunus are about to bloom. Very, very welcome color. It’s been a mild winter in Seattle, but consistently grey.
something has been tearing the buds off our daffodils and discarding them. A trip through the local park reveals similar mayhem. It is even happening during the day – so my theory is squirrels. Anyone know any better?
Wabbits? Be vewwy, vewwy, quiet, and maybe you can see one of those wascals…