Messing around with watercolours.
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Knee: Itchy! What's that burning smell?
Itchy: Oh stop your worrying, Knee! I'm making my leftover porridge into oat cakes.
[Itchy runs a clothes-iron over lumps of porridge, flattening them.]
Itchy: Oh stop your worrying, Knee! I'm making my leftover porridge into oat cakes.
[Itchy runs a clothes-iron over lumps of porridge, flattening them.]
Interesting! Was this actual watercolors, scanned & put online, or a digital equivalent?
And the idea is captivating. I’ve always heard about “dorm room grilled cheese sandwiches,” but not oatcakes!
thanks jkh — real actual pukka bona-fide watercolours! I did tweak the contrast a bit after scanning.