#33 Sport Jul05 by invisibules on 2009-07-05 at 00:00 Chapter: invisibules ↓ Transcript1. --toss 2. --SWIPE --drop 3. --bounce 4. --roll 5.--toss SWIPE drop bounce roll 6. [LOVE-FORTY!] (more pimms?) WIBULEDON └ Tags: games, specials Related Comics ¬ 2017-10-22 Another tedious Sunday afternoon-in 2018-10-05 Itchy and Knee in Space Tennis 2014-11-16 Neighbourly #74 String #42 Cupboards
It is the first time I am encountering the Invisibules. What a rad idea! By the way,as soon as I clicked on the first star, the thing started whirling. If it had remained stationary, I would have clicked three more.
thank you very much. I’ve removed your accidental click from the log and replaced it with a “4”. If this isn’t what you wanted, let me know!
Thank goodness I live in New Zealand… else (being from the USA), I probably wouldn’t know what a Pimms is… and who would ever want one anyway?
well you need _something_ to remove the tedium of all that tennis… I could have used strawberries, but they are longer. — A