#4 Coherence Jun04 by invisibules on 2009-06-04 at 00:00 Chapter: invisibules ↓ Transcript1. (any sign of a coherent narrative?) 2. 3. 4. 5a. 5b. 6. [the boxes are different sizes] └ Tags: minimalism, time, whimsy Related Comics ¬ 2018-11-03 Cosmodromedary 2012-11-04 Avocado Man 3/5 Invisibules on Edmund Finney 2019-07-21 Ediacaran Rock 2014-04-03 Destiny
Why are the chickens getting itchy?
@SEarcher — just more incoherence I’m afraid.
Wonder if any newspaper will pick up these? At least as good as some they currently run in Dayton OH.