Thanks to Karen for the idea for this one!
Posts Tagged wordplay
Itchy gets a starring role today (Knee was nowhere to be found when I wanted to sketch him.) My mother-in-law gave me this word to keep. Thanks Barbara 🙂
Oh, and here’s the small beaded rhinoceros we bought on a street corner, directly from the artist, in Johannesburg. Â It seems to be settling in well to the late summer in England:
Itchy, making a late-night snack, thinks: "per sev er ate, pers ev erate"
Itchy, in the shower, thinks: "perse verate"
Itchy, clutching his head, thinks: "perseverate, perse verate! per SEV er ATE!"
Itchy, lying face down, kicking the ground in frustration, thinks: "perse eve rate, perseverate"
says: "why cant I get that word out of my head?!"
After quite a hiatus, I found a real, pukka, Invisibules comic inside my head. Just like the olden days!
— Footnote
Purists might put the pause between the two tees, viz. glot-tal, but I imagine that’s why that Invisibulean still needs to practise. I can only report what I observe.
6. [ttal stop.]
I wonder if this continues the sequence, Ren?
Released into the world, to cause mischief and dissent!
Mwa ha ha ha!
Nothing can resist it's vicious influence!
Biscuits. And their relationship to world suffering.
No animals were harmed in the manufacture of this entirely vegetable saddle.
2. Knee is in a restaurant. The menu says "Today's special: saddle of Rabbit". Knee's bowl contains a saddle. Knee calls angrily "hey, waiter!"
It would be absurd to imagine that this comic is in any way based upon real events or persons.
Itchy: ohhhh
Itchy: groan
Knee: What's up Itchy?
Itchy: Nothing, why?
Knee: You've been wandering around the house sighing all day.
Itchy: No I haven't. I have a perfectly well defined itinerary.
You must ask nanny, or the butler, to help you with step 2.
We were discussing how cats always fall on their feet, moved on to the well known anti-gravity device involving one cat and one jammy (or buttered) slice of bread, and somehow ended up here with very jammy fingers.
Mercy edit: This comic likely makes little sense to those unacquainted with the concept of the conservation of angular momentum. In fact, this comic likely makes little sense.
2. Cut the bread to make a triangle with two 45-degree angles.
3. Spread jam liberally on one side only.
4. Hold jam-side-up, about 1m [39 in.] above the floor...
5. ...and release.
6. Observe. We have demonstrated Momentum of Angular Conserve.
You gotta play the hand you’re dealt. In this case I was inspired by a poster for the up-coming film, Noah.
2. younger mafia type sits back and relaxes. Lots of poker chips in play.
3. Old man: "aw heck! I call! What you got, Jesus?"
4. Jesus: "three kings"
5 Old man: "Dammit Jesus, you /always/ got three kings turn up."
Jesus: "yup, Noah, gues I always do. What about you?"
6. Noah: "I got two of each kind"